Bratislava is very active in the city greenery; urban vegetation is considered a priority in the city administration; is developed in several city programs. Bratislava is one of the greenest capitals in the world, as few capitals are surrounded by forests, they can be reached very quickly compared to other metropolises. Vegetation fulfills important functions in the city, reduces dust and noise, creates a favorable microclimate – it cools the streets and increases humidity, it also has a positive effect on mental well-being. Therefore, in cooperation with various organizations, we decided to think about its functions together.
The aim of the A Plant program is to highlight the importance of urban greenery, especially in the context of the climate crisis, to draw attention to it, as well as to contribute to its improvement and protection. The intention is to implement projects of domestic and foreign artists and curators in cooperation with experts in the field of urban greenery directly in situ; in areas where this agenda is most used, such as: meadows, parks, wetlands or the banks of the Danube.
The program in 2022-2023 consists of a number of events that take place during the most active growing season, between May and October. We will work with themes such as mitigating the impact of the climate crisis in the city through urban greenery, medicinal plants in the city, urban gardens, botanical gardens as colonial structures, among others.
Listening to the Plants
Curated by: Judit Angel & Lýdia Pribišová
12.10. – 14.10. 2023
Egle Oddo: Evolutionary Garden and Performative Habitat: Insaturo
Curated by: Lýdia Pribišová
22.09. 2023 at 18h
Ghosts of Impossible Present
Curated by: Inga Lāce
19.08.2023, 17-22h
Sound of Scape
Curated by: Collective Rewilding
Location: Prüger-Wallner Garden, Bratislava
Michal Mitro: Mosquiteering
Curated by: Lýdia Pribišová
26.5. 2023
Malý Draždiak, altánok U horára, Bratislava
Evolutionary Garden and Performative Habitat
Curated by: Lýdia Pribišová
23.03 – 22.09. 2023
Location: Old Town Library in Bratislava, Blumentálska 10, Bratislava
A View from the Edge of a Pasture
Three-day symposium on a shared knowledge on ecological urban pastoralism.
Curated by: Edith Jeřábková & Denisa Langrová
12.05. 2022 – 14.05. 2022
Location: Geologické múzeum, Devínska Kobyla; Pink Whale, Dvořákovo nábrežie, Bratislava
Breaking the Ice/ Rompere il Ghiaccio
OHT / Fillipo Andreatta
Curated by: Giulia Ferracci
10.06. 2022
Location: Sad Janka Kráľa, Bratislava
Kitti Gosztola & Bence György Pálinkás: Wild Garden Utopia
Curated by: Lýdia Pribišová
03. – 06.08. 2022
Location: Garden of the Vodárenské museum, Bratislava; Pink Whale, Dvořákovo nábrežie, Bratislava
Index Seminum
Curated by: Borbála Soós
23. – 24.08. 2022
Location: Botanical Garden of Comenius University; Pink Whale, Dvořákovo nábrežie, Bratislava
Weeds & Seeds. Linda Boļšakova a Sandra Kosorotova
Curated by Lýdia Pribišová
Location: Academy of Fine Arts, Hviezdoslavovo námestie 4, Bratislava, room 135
Spolka: Drawing Trees
Curated by: SPOLKA collective
14.10 – 15.10. 2022
Location: A HALL, Kunsthalle Bratislava