Not that Big of a Celebration

A Shortcut
18.10. 2022 at 18:00
Author Silvia Sviteková

Participating artists: Marek Buranovský, Lucia Gamanová, Eva Sajanová, Slavo Sochor, Silvia Sviteková, Matúš Szeghö

It is with great pleasure that we present a performance, entitled Not that Big of a Celebration by Silvia Svietková as part of the open call A Shortcut.

“Let’s go closer to the fire, shall we?”

Societies have always invoked and affirmed their reality through ritual processes. Their positions are still deeply rooted in calendars today (kalendārium, lat.). The desire for cultural and spiritual sharing is woven across the centuries, perhaps from the first time a proto-human met another proto-human. We try to get used to the new realities, to absorb it all individually, but we still feel an intense longing for a shared experience. As a result of memories of isolation, we find catharsis even in completely new situations. But we are no longer mere recipients, we ourselves are in the middle of the stage, after all. What is left of performance today, if not a quite banal shake of a stranger’s hand, a meeting in a shop, not to mention a wedding party or a sit-down at a funeral wake? And to top it all off, the brass band plays – like an eternal soundtrack of the present, like an angelic choir announcing the apocalypse.

Silvia Sviteková is a PhD student in the Studio of Spatial Communications at the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava and a graduate of Dance Theatre and Perfomancy and Dance Arts at the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava. Her long-term fascination includes performance in public space, working with the object, as well as striving to understand and especially to grasp experience, whether individual or collective. She has collaborated on a number of art projects, exhibitions and performances with the following artists: Sonja Pregrad (Diaries of touch), Eva Priečková (ShSssh It’ll Be OK!, LUSIJA), Juraj Korec (Sólo nielen pre jedno telo,, Petra Fornayová (Manifest možností, Zelená je tráva), Marta Poláková (pODPORa, Endless shift), Maja Štefančíková (Priestorové skice, Prchavé súsošie, Živý gradient), Dana Tomečková (Živý gradient), Stanislava Vlčeková, Jozef Vlk (Poses / Essencies / Traps, Open call), Anton Korenči ( Zánik západu), Andrej Petrovič (Dôvera), Francesca Zaccaria (Bodies garden), Cindy Hammer (Asphalworlds part 2). For her work, she also won an award in the Gala Art Moves competition.